Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happiness is Not Perfection

I was inspired to share this today! I think as mothers and as women WE need to take this to heart so we can open ourselves up to true happiness.

Do you think that for you to be happy, everything in your life has to be just so? Happiness is a strange thing. It's not synonymous with perfection. In fact, some of the happiest people alive are neither wealthy nor thin.

Happiness involves overlooking imperfections, laughing at mistakes, and making a lot of lemonade from lemons. It is the attitude you adopt even in the face of problems.

Action for the day: Today, respond to your life with happiness. Wear your rose-colored glasses all day. Smile for no reason!

Thank you Jill Krekel for sharing this with me. I know taking this on has opened up an amazing opportunity for me. That is 10 H.O.T. Moms from around the country are working with me to Kick Off Beyond the Bus Stop Chapters! If I waited for it to all be perfect---this never would have happened. Instead I took on that this just has to happen ---and we will have fun and learn along the way from each other. I am sure we will even laugh at some of the mistakes.....But, can't girls just have fun to?!

This Fall we are launching 10 BTBS chapters around the country---and we hope you jump onboard with us and go for the ride of your life! What could be more empowering then amazing women coming together to support one another and encourage each other to enhance their life or reach for their dreams? If you want to be part of this--please send me a note and I will share our vision with you!

Keep striving for what you want in life---there are no limitations!
Make it a H.O.T. Day!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Butterflies Mean Growth and Transformation

"If you aren't growing you aren't living," the self help experts often tell us. But, what happens when those 'butterflies" appear in your stomach? In the old days it meant fight or flight and that danger was on the way. Today, we are told if you are comfortable you are not growing. So, butterflies mean growth and transformation! As a group of Beyond the Bus Stop Moms take on creating local BTBS chapters---there are plenty of butterflies going around. It is the kind that makes you nervous yet excited like a kid who is anticipating something special is about to happen. Why do some people avoid those feelings of butterflies? They may think think the discomfort is a signal to stop what is causing it. I know I have missed opportunities in the past because of that. However, I have learned that it is a sign of growth. So, we need to rethink how we look at that feeling. Don't be afraid to take on something new because living beyond the bus stop is living beyond the status quo. And, yes that may cause your stomach to go a flutter---but imagine how much you will grow and learn about yourself by taking a chance in trying something new.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

10,000 Prize for Working Out

I am in the running this week for a 10,000 cash prize from Beachbody. WOW--I am very excited to not only get in shape using their workouts, coach others, and share the products---but, to possibly win this kind of money is very rewarding. I appreciate everyone who has voted and supported me along this journey. I am here to pay it forward to you and be your cheerleader and biggest fan. We all need each other to live a life we can love. If you have not had a chance to vote-- please log on to Enter your email and password to have access to cast your vote. There a lot of inspiring stories and all winners no matter what!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mommy Guilt

What is making you feel guilty? I just had some mommy guilt brew and probably deserved! My son was having a play at school. He said to me this morning, "please don't forget my play today." I was all set to show him what a great mommy I am and not only be there but be early. I organized my morning to make sure I was done work, showered and actually looking like I had it all together. The Perfect Mom Look. Well, all was going well until I got distracted by trying to fit in just one more thing before I left the house. It seems for me (and maybe for you) that I am constantly filling up every minute so that I don't get behind on motherhood, wife-hood and beyond. At what cost? The cost of having my son upset when I showed up late for his play. I did not forget it, I was looking forward to it, and I was hoping to please him so he knew how much I loved him. Arriving late blew The Perfect Mom Look. No shower, no clean clothes, and no smile on my face could hide that I was late. He was sad and I was sad too. I learned that I can't be the perfect mom but I can take a look at slowing down and letting some things go for those moments that are important. Are we all trying to do too much?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Summer Ready?

Are you sick and tired of another summer covering up extra baby weight and feeling guilty about putting yourself first? Still holding onto those pants that fit before you got pregnant, telling yourself that someday you will fit back into them? Wondering how you can get results and fast?As a mom of three kids, I used to reach for the cover up all the time!

I was skeptical I could ever get a body I could be proud of after becoming a mother. Since the gym wasn't working I had to find a better way. I ordered a home workout called P90X. I got in the best shape of my life and I have more energy and confidence. I became an independent BeachBody Coach so I could help other moms feel this good too. I truly believe moms deserve to feel strong and healthy! It takes LESS then a hour a day to see results--are your worth a half hour a day?

Make a commitment to 'You' and make time for your health~Your health is a priority and your family needs a mom that is happy, healthy and full of energy. Get up before the kids awake. If you can't carve out a 30-minute block for fitness, try fitting in three 10-minute blocks. The stronger you are the better you will be able to manage your already busy life.

Feeling good looks good~Small changes can have a big impact on both your physical and mental well-being. Within 30 days of healthy eating and regular exercise, you will see an improvement in energy levels, weight loss and increases in muscle tone. That jiggle butt and back fat can go away. Even if you don't lose as much weight as you'd like, experts say there's a big benefit to eating right and exercising - Confidence.

I only ask that you take 100% responsibility for your life and I will coach you to success. When you help yourself you gain confidence and self-expression.
Join our Fitness challenge

Make it a Happy Optimistic Take Action Day! ~ Suzy Stauffer, Founder

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'll Be Happy When

I have to share this! It is so true.

I'll Be Happy Kathy Stream

Have you ever played the "I'll be happy when..." game?Maybe you tell yourself you'll be happy when you can wear a size 10. Maybe you'll be happy when you make just a little more money. Or, when you find your life partner. You might not come right out and tell yourself that your happiness is dependent upon these things, but deep down you know it's true. I am all too familiar with this game. Have you ever noticed that you can never win?

For me, once I had attained a goal I had set, like letting go of 20 pounds or finding Mr. Right, I would be on to the next one that would ultimately not satisfy me either.Are you so focused on the prize ahead that you've forgotten about the gem in your pocket? That is not to say that we shouldn't have goals.

What I am talking about is finding joy. Real joy that, for me, comes with a personal relationship with my Creator, and it comes with changing my perception of the world around me. Notice I didn't say, "changing my circumstances," I said, "...changing my perception of the world around me" or of my circumstances. Regardless of what's going on all around me, I can make a conscious decision to be happy. Happiness is a decision.Too often we find ourselves so focused on the future that we forget about the present. Finding joy is what happens when you start appreciating what you have right now.

Your Assignment: Think about the way your life is progressing. Regardless of your circumstances, write down five things that are creating harmony in your life right now that you have taken for granted.

Make is a H.O.T. Day! ~Suzy